The adult citizens of Zelienople have the right, if not a duty, to vote. The voting process is under the supervision of the Butler County Bureau of Elections who have their Home Page containing details which may be seen by clicking here or calling (724) 284-5310.
In summary, elections are held in May and November each year. Voting is done in three places associated with Zelienople's 3 districts:
Zelienople I
Masonic Temple Lodge #429
330 E Beaver St
Zelienople II
American Legion Post 474
308 W New Castle St.
Zelienople III
St Paul Lutheran Church Hall
215 N Main St
The voting process is under the supervision of the Butler County Bureau of Elections. Additional information can be found on the Butler County Bureau of Elections website at
Borough residents contract directly with private collectors who charge a fee. There is no public dump serving the borough. Consult your local telephone directory for listings.
Paper and wood products are allowed to be burned in the borough on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, holidays excluded, between dawn and dusk. Other restrictions apply. Contact the borough office for details.
The Borough is currently providing weekly curbside brush pick up on Wednesdays. This courtesy only requires the resident to call in to the Borough Office, (724) 452-6610, to get their name on the list for a particular week.
You must sign an agreement with the borough by visiting the borough office.
As construction and remodeling can be affected by building regulations, zoning regulations, and borough ordinances, you are asked to contact the Code Enforcement/ Zoning Officer (724-452-3002) or the Borough Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Agency (CEA) at (866) 410-4952. They can ensure your project complies with appropriate regulations and advise you of the permit fees. Some Permits/Applications are available on this Home Page by clicking Permits/Applications.
Contact the Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer at 724-452-3002.
There are restrictions about displaying signs; click here for details.
Lien letters reflect an unpaid bill on a property such as for utility bills or sidewalk repair. The property generally can not be sold until the lien is paid. Payments for liens are generally made through the attorneys handling the sale of the property. Lien letters may be obtained by calling the borough office, 724-452-6610, x221. There is a $20.00 fee for preparation and the request must be made at least 2 weeks prior to its execution date.
How do I contact community organizations not easily found in the telephone directories?
Try looking under community organizations on the main menu or the Zelienople Business Association or the Borough Office.