Hours: 6:00AM to dusk
If renting a shelter: 6AM to 11PM
- Please keep our park clean. Dispose of trash in receptacles.
- The Rotary playground is designated for children ages 12 and under who must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- Park in designated areas only. No overnight parking. Motorbikes, minibikes, snowmobiles, & all terrain vehicles are not permitted.
- Obey posted traffic regulations. Rules of the road are strictly enforced by the police.
- Shelters: All persons renting shelters must abide by the shelter rental rules which are outlined on the reservation form.
- Prohibited Activities: Camping, hunting, shooting, trapping, possession or use of firearms, destruction or interference of wildlife, open burning, illegal drug use, alcohol or tobacco use without permit, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, disposing of household and any other outside waste material in trash receptacles or dumpsters, & unauthorized group activities.
- Pets must be leashed at all times. No pets are permitted on or around ball fields. You must clean up after your pet. All pet waste should be placed in the designated container located at parking lot entrance.
- Skateboarding is permitted in the park, but is prohibited on park equipment, park tables, playground equipment, basketball and tennis courts.
- Any person/persons who vandalize park property will be fully and financially responsible for any damages.
The final copy of the full rules and regulations which incorporated the changes in resolution #211-11 can be found here:
Rules and Regulations for Park use and Conduct.