
Report a Concern


Now you can help report non-emergency problems to the Borough of Zelienople from your smartphone, tablet or computer, thanks to our new partnership with SeeClickFix. Use the app to report issues such as:

  • Animal Control
  • Property Maintenance
  • Code Enforcement
  • Potholes
  • Graffiti/Vandalism
  • Snow Plowing/Removal
  • Tree Service

You have the option to upload a photo with your request, which can help Borough staff to identify and address the issue. The request is routed to the appropriate department for resolution.

Zelienople Borough staff responds to requests Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. If this report comes in on a holiday, weekend or after-hours, it will be read on the next business day.

If you would like to report an issue with your smart phone, please download our Zelienople Borough/SeeClickFix app for iPhone or Android.

You can also report an issue here.

Note: For emergencies or other urgent matters that require immediate attention or a police response,
dial 9-1-1.