
Doing Business with the Borough


For emergencies at any time, dial 911.

Reporting Problems (non-criminal): During normal work days, call the borough office at (724) 452-6610.  If the voice-mail is not responsive to your needs, push 0 to reach a staff person.  If you have a problem with your water, electric or sewer service after normal business hours, dial 1-866-663-3759.  The answering service will then refer after-hours non-police and non-fire problems to the appropriate borough personnel.

Reporting Problems (police matters): It is recommended that all calls for police assistance be placed by dialing 911.  In so doing, your information will be broadcast over the police radios and received instantly by the police wherever they may be located.  The Police Department administrative office is staffed between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  You may reach the Police Administrative Office at (724) 452-3003 for questions and administrative matters.

Paying Utility Bills: In order to better serve the customer, the Borough of Zelienople utilities have gone to an offsite Lock Box program for all utility payments received BY MAIL. This will allow payments to be processed quickly and the customers account credited accordingly. 

Lock Box Mailing Address:
Borough of Zelienople
PO Box 1236
Butler,  PA 16003-1236

The utility drop box in the Municipal Building Parking Lot, Borough building front hall and at Passavant will remain with no changes. You can still drop off your utility payment as always. In addition, you can still make your payments in person in the Borough Office as you have in the past. In short, the only change is the mailing address noted above.

Bills for water, electric and sewage may be deposited in the box located inside the borough's front door or in the drive-thru box on the north side of the Municipal Building.  They may also be mailed to their respective places - the Borough or W.B.C.A.  Should you wish to pay your utility bill through an automatic deduction from your savings or checking account, click here for the application form and return the completed form to the borough office.  To apply for utility service, click here for the the Application For Utility Service form and return the signed form to the borough office.

You can also pay your utility bill online.  Payments accepted are Visa and MasterCard. There is a convenience fee of $4.00 per transaction with a maximum payment amount of $2,000.00. Balances more than $2,000.00 can make multiple transactions with an additional convenience fee applied with each transaction. The convenience fee will strictly be charged in order to provide this convenient service to you. CLICK HERE to access online billpay to pay your borough utility bill online.

Instructions: Instructions for using online billpay can be found here. Please be sure to enter your full account number including the two digits after the dot (123456789.00). The tenanant number is the two digit number following the account number.

Building Permits/Zoning/Code Enforcement: As construction and remodeling can be affected by building regulations, zoning regulations, and borough ordinances, you are asked to contact the Zelienople Building Inspector (CEA 1-866-410-4952) or Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer (724-452-3002).  They can ensure your project complies with appropriate regulations and advise you of the permit fees.  Some Permits/Applications are available on this Home Page by clicking  Permits/Applications.

Taxes:  Click here to get information on tax rates and who to pay for local taxes.

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