The Zelienople Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 7:00PM, to hear the following request for a Variance:
227 South Division Street is currently owned by Andrew and Sara Beneigh. The Parcel ID is #550-S2-BY35-0000. This Commercial structure is located in the R3, Urban Residential District. Applicant is requesting a Variance to Section 603-2 Permitted Use. The applicant would like to open a Learning Center/Child Daycare in the currently vacant portion of the 16,000 square foot commercial building. A Child Daycare is not considered a Permitted Use in the R-3 Zone.
Anyone wishing to speak for or against this request for a variance should be present at this meeting. Written comments shall be accepted no later than forty-eight hours prior to the Hearing, shall be submitted to the Borough Zoning Officer at that office in the Borough Building and will then be made a part of the record at the Hearing.
The Meeting will be held in Council Chambers located at 111 West New Castle Street, Zelienople, PA 16063. Should you require any special accommodation to attend this meeting, please contact the Zelienople Borough Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at 724-452-6610.
The Zelienople Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 7:00PM, to hear the following request for a Variance:
300 Hazel Street is currently owned by Betty Eisenbrown. The Parcel ID is #550-S4-A402-0000. This parcel is zoned R3, an Urban Residential District. Applicant is requesting a Variance to Section 603, 5A (Item 5)- Minimum Side Yard. The applicant would like to reduce the required 15-foot side yard setback to 10 feet, adjacent to the Linden Street side. The mobile home, which is in need to be replaced, is currently located on the lot. A potential buyer is interested in replacing the mobile home with a 26-foot-wide, single family home structure.
Anyone wishing to speak for or against this request for a variance should be present at this meeting. Written comments shall be accepted no later than forty-eight hours prior to the Hearing, shall be submitted to the Borough Zoning Officer at that office in the Borough Building and will then be made a part of the record at the Hearing.
The Meeting will be held in Council Chambers located at 111 West New Castle Street, Zelienople, PA 16063. Should you require any special accommodation to attend this meeting, please contact the Zelienople Borough Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at 724-452-6610.
Zelienople Borough will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:30PM, to hear the following request for a Historic District:
The Historic District Advisory Committee is seeking Approval for the creation of the Zelienople Historic Overlay District. The purpose is to enhance historical values in structures located within the boundaries of the Overlay and promote the retention of community character through preservation of the local heritage by recognition and protection of historic and cultural resources. The Overlay has received Recommendation from Borough Planning Commission and now seeks Approval from Borough Council. A copy of the full text of proposed Ordinance #893-25 is available for public inspection at the Borough Office during regular business hours (9:00AM-4:00 PM Mon-Fri, holidays excluded) and is also available for viewing at
Anyone wishing to speak for or against this request should be present at this Hearing. Written comments shall be accepted no later than forty-eight hours prior to the Hearing, shall be submitted to the Borough Zoning Officer at that office in the Borough Building and will then be made a part of the record at the Hearing.
The Meeting will be held in Council Chambers located at 111 West New Castle Street, Zelienople, PA 16063. Should you require any special accommodation to attend this meeting, please contact the Zelienople Borough Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at 724-452-6610.
Jason Sarver
Zoning Officer
Borough of Zelienople